

Our Awesome Team​

Asma Begum

Asma Begum


Asma is a British Bangladeshi single mum now living in North UK and is a survivor of domestic abuse, having fled an abusive marriage into a women’s refuge with her young son.

Determined to turn life around for herself and others, she now lives independently, raising her son, being a positive role model, good citizen and volunteer, social justice activist and is embarking on the journey of female entrepreneurship to support women in need.

She has been a motivational speaker at events with Truth to Power cafe, produced by London Arts project and for Let’s Talk charity in Rochdale.

Over the last two years Asma has joined groups supporting female survivors of domestic abuse, both online and in person.

Using her own experiences to inspire and motivate other women that are also wishing to turn their lives around from the negative impact on health, well-being and happiness to positively overcome traumas of domestic abuse, Asma is now proud to have founded her own support group this year, Soul Sisters, which is to become a social enterprise.

Through creating and leading this compassionate, inspiring, supportive community of women to bring about empowerment and thriving in all aspects of life, Asma feels she is serving her own deeper purpose and looks forward to helping many others in their own healing journey.

