
To book, contact:

Asma Begum

[email protected]

07309 612325

In progress

In progress

Soul Sisters: Empowering People are not qualified to give you legal advice or represent you in court for your case.

However, our advocacy team will help and provide you with the knowledge and skills you need when seeking professional help, such as from Solicitors and Paralegals.  

We can provide help, support and advice to you on an informal basis, including:

  • Supporting you to complete a divorce application online or by application form
  • Supporting you while you are gathering evidence for legal aid
  • Assisting you with the divorce procedure
  • Advocating for you on parental rights and contact with children
  • Accompanying you at meetings (e.g. with Healthcare Professionals, Solicitors, Schools, Social Workers, CAFCASS, Police, Victim Support, Local Authorities, or other Charities) to help explain your concerns or speak on your behalf

We work in collaboration with Legal Action For Women / Women Against Rape, Women of Colour and Support not Separation – who have years of experience of the above and a wealth of skills and knowledge.

If you feel you have been wrongly convicted and there has been a miscarriage of justice, we can get you in contact with other organisations who can help and support you with the review of your case and if there is a possibility of a retrial or appeal.

We can signpost you in the right direction with wrongful conviction/ miscarriage of justice.

Written by Jahida Imtiaz